2024 EAST MIDLANDS GOLF DAY East Midlands Golf Day Entry Form Name *Email *Best Contact Number *Company Name *Address *If you would like to make a donation to our charity please select a box below and we ill add it to your invoice. £25£50£100£150£200+ENTRY FEES: Each 4 Ball entry costs £900+VAT *CLICK TO SELECT1 x 4 BALL2 x 4 BALL3 x 4 BALL4 x 4 BALLTEAM ENTRY WITH HOLE SPONSORSHIP: £1100+VAT *CLICK TO SELECT1234NOVICE COACHING: £200+VAT *CLICK TO SELECTx1x2x3x4Please check the boxes below if you are interested in looking at sponsorship opportunities or dinner only tickets or if you can donate a raffle prize *CLICK TO SELECTSponsorshipDinner OnlyRaffle PrizeI agree to receiving marketing and promotional materials Yes I agreeEmailSubmit