2023 BITA Northern Masters BITA Northern Masters Team Entry Form Name *Email *Best Contact Number *Company Name *Address *If you would like to make a donation to our charity please select a box below and we ill add it to your invoice. £25£50£100£150£200+BITA Members: £600 plus VAT. *CLICK TO SELECT1 x 4 BALL2 x 4 BALL3 x 4 BALL4 x 4 BALLNon-members: £700 plus VAT. *CLICK TO SELECT1 x 4 BALL2 x 4 BALL3 x 4 BALL4 x 4 BALLHeadline sponsorship includes team entry: £2,500 plus VAT. *CLICK TO SELECTx1Hole sponsorship: £150 plus VAT. *CLICK TO SELECTx1x2x3Spa Day and Dinner: £150 plus VAT. *CLICK TO SELECTX1x2x3Dinner Only: £45 plus VAT. *CLICK TO SELECTX1x2x3I agree to receiving marketing and promotional materials Yes I agreePhoneSubmit